Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Trunks son of Vegeta and Bulma. Both Future and present.

Ginyu Force

Captain Ginyu




Evil and powerful, the Ginyu Force is hailed as the most powerful team in the universe. It is composed of five members, each one very powerful and possessing unique attacks and fighting advantages. When Dodoria and Zarbon are unable to eliminate our friends and collect the seven Namekian Dragon Balls, Frieza summons the Ginyu Force. Between battles, they enjoy such goofy past times as watching soap operas, playing "paper, rock, scissors" to decide who will fight who, and making bets over chocolate nut bars, their favorite food. 

The Ginyu Force strikes various poses during their battles. While individually and collectively they are very strong, each member is conceited and competitive which leads to their downfall. They hesitate to ask each other for help because they don't want to share the credit for the victory. The members of the Ginyu Force don't seem to care about each other, willing to stand back and watch while their teammates are destroyed.

Android 15

Android 15

Barking out insults as he pounds on Goku and the gang is just one of Android 15's annoying habits. Don't let the diminutive Android fool you... His bark is not nearly as deadly as his bite!

Android 14

Android 14
Dr. Gero's hatred for Goku fueled the final moments of creation of this massive machine. Gero would not have considered Android 14 complete, but don't tell that to Goku! He's having plenty of trouble as it is. Could an incomplete Android really pack this much power?

Para Para Brothers

Don Para

Bon Para
The bizarre Para Para Brothers are sent to find the powerful Black Star Dragon Balls so that Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy may complete his twisted vision of bringing the Luud Robot to life. Their armor doubles as a boombox, which casts a spell over anyone who hears it, causing them to dance hysterically about. This gives the brothers an advantage in a battle.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Baby inside Vegeta
Baby is the last remaining descendant of the Tuffles, a race the Saiyans nearly wiped out many years ago. With their civilization's destruction at hand, the Tuffles put the soul of a single being into a seed and fired it into space where Dr Myuu found it. Although Baby was "created" by Dr. Myuu, he definitely has a mind of his own and quickly asserts his own will. Cold, calculating, and bent on revenge, Baby's only goal is the re-establishment of his people and total control of the Universe.


Uub after fusing with Fat Buu as Majuub
Uub and Goku train together in an effort to assure that there will be another powerful fighter to defend the Earth if Goku is ever out of action. Uub's pure heart and never say die attitude makes him the perfect candidate for such an honor.